Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Detecting Remote Accesses

"Can you send me an email when someone accesses a file from a remote computer?"
This request is happening more and more often, so I thought we would write about it.

The problem revolves around the fact that IT staffs need to be Administrators to do their jobs and Windows Administrative Shares allow access to Administrators. This means that a 'less than honest' IT staffer has the power to snoop around on the hard drives on an executives desktop (or anywhere else), via the Administrative shares...undetected.

Using FileSure for Workstations and creating a single rule, remote accesses to important files can be detected, recorded and alerted on. With FileSure Defend for Workstations, the remote access could have been have also been blocked.

The ability to determine remote accesses is just one unique ability of the FileSure line.


unknown said...

Thankyou for sharing.

unknown said...

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