Sunday, October 12, 2008

NetWare File Auditing? No problem.

A consultant called the other day looking for help on an auditing solution for a Windows 2000 Server. The wrinkle? One of the file shares on the server was actually connected to a remote NetWare server! Ahh, good old Gateway Services for Netware. So workstation accesses were being redirected through the Windows server to the NetWare disk. His question - could we audit NetWare servers?

Well, no. But good news - we don't even need to! In FileSure 2.0, we added code to pick up network accesses. As a result, the FileSure 2.0 installation on the Windows Server can audit the NetWare shares. All we had to do is change a couple of rules and NetWare auditing was running.

OK, fine and good and that customer has a solution. But, the consultant asked - what if the workstations were using Client Services for NetWare from their workstations? Again, no problem. Install the new FileSure 2.0 Workstation on those desktops and laptops and you'll have your solution.

What's really amazing is that this same approach lets our customers audit network storage files, too!

Pretty cool!

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